Experiments #
Before starting the benchmarking process, you need to define (i) the cluster under test, and (ii) the experiments you want to perform.
Defining your Cluster #
By defining you cluster, Benchpilot removes the effort of you needing to download docker, docker compose and every docker image you may need for your benchmarking on your worker devices. All you need to do is define your cluster inside the /BenchPilotSDK/conf/bench-cluster.yaml.
Inside the “bench-cluster.yaml” we define our cluster nodes. So as we can see below, we define our cluster with the keywoard “cluster”, and afterwards we define the manager, where the benchpilot client will be deployed on, and the nodes that are represented as workers.
For all nodes, it is needed to define their ip, and proxy - if needed, and for each worker it’s required to define their hostname, and authentication credentials. These credentials include the username, and password or the path to an ssh key.
ip: "" # assign the IP of the device that will run the benchpilot client
# in case of not using a proxy - remove the following 3 lines
http_proxy: "http://example.proxy.com:8080/"
https_proxy: "https://example.proxy.com:8080/"
nodes: # here define the nodes that you will benchmark
- ip: "" # example of ip
hostname: "raspberrypi"
username: "pi"
password: "raspberrypi"
- ip: "" # another example using ssh key
hostname: "old_server"
username: "ubuntu"
ssh_key_path: "BenchPilotSDK/conf/ssh_keys/ssh_key.pem"
proxies: # if your device is placed behind a proxy you should also include these
http_proxy: "http://example.proxy.com:8080/"
https_proxy: "https://example.proxy.com:8080/"
** Please keep in mind that every hostname and ip you declare needs to be accessible by the node you will run the BenchPilot client on.
Defining your Experiments #
After defining our cluster, our final step before starting the benchmarking process is to define our experiments! All you need to is define them in a yaml file under /BenchPilotSDK/conf/ using the BenchPilot Model.
The BenchPilot model is composed with experiments, where each experiments consists of workload descriptions.
For each experiment, you have to define the following:
- record_name, so that you can later on retrieve monitoring metrics based on it,
- number of repetitions that the experiment will be conducted.
- the duration of the whole experiment.
On the other hand, every workload, needs to have the following descriptions:
- name, which will be selected from the supported workload list, e.g. “marketing-campaign”.
- cluster, which consists the list of resources that will be used as workers to deploy the workload.
- orchestrator, this is optional. One can define the underlying orchestrator that will be used for the deployment, the default is docker swarm.
- duration: This parameter specifies the length of time that a particular workload will be deployed. It is important that this duration exceeds the duration of the experiment. Alternatively, you can simply enter “default” if preferred.
- specific workload parameters: you can find more information regarding the parameters here.
An example of the /BenchPilotSDK/conf/demo.yaml can be found below:
idle_between_experiments: "2m"
- experiment:
record_name: "mlStorm_old_server" # name must be < 63 characters
repetition: 1
duration: "default"
- name: "mlperf"
cluster: ["old_server"] # workers' hostnames
orchestrator: "swarm"
duration: "8m"
dataset_folder: "imagenet2012"
model_file: "resnet50_v1.onnx"
profile: "resnet50-onnxruntime"
data_volume_path: "/mlperf/data"
model_volume_path: "/mlperf/model"
output_volume_path: "/mlperf/output"
worker_threads: 12
- name: "marketing-campaign"
cluster: ["old_server"] # workers' hostnames
duration: "8m"
num_of_campaigns: 100000
capacity_per_window: 10000
kafka_event_count: 100000000
time_divisor: 10000
workload_tuples_per_second_emission: 1000000
name: "storm"
ackers: 2
executors_per_node: [ 4 ]
ui_port: "8080"
- experiment:
record_name: "mdb_scpu_rpi"
repetition: 1
duration: "default"
- name: "database"
duration: "20m"
cluster: [ "raspberrypi" ] # workers' hostnames
db: "mongodb"
threads: 12
- name: "simple"
cluster: [ "raspberrypi" ] # workers' hostnames
service: "stress"
- "--cpu": "4"
** BenchPilot will run the experiments with the order you described them.