
GitHub Repository #

Visit our Github Repository to download or fork BenchPilot!

DockerHub #

All of our Docker images are uploaded on our DockerHub Repository!

BenchPilot Bootstrapping #

Install Docker & Docker Compose #

In the ‘Getting Started’ section we learned how BenchPilot is structured. In order to use the BenchPilot client you need to have installed docker & docker-compose. In our GitHub Repository, under the /utils folder we have prepared for you a script to automatically download it, so all you need to run is “sh”.

Retrieve or Build BenchPilot Client Image #

The second step is to either retrieve or build the BenchPilot client image.

Pulling Image from DockerHub #

For your ease, you can only pull the image from DockerHub just by running “docker pull benchpilot/benchpilot:client”.

Building Image Locally #

If you want to build the image locally, you firstly need to download or clone our GitHub repository and then execute the building image script by running the command “sh”.

Start BenchPilot Client and start experimenting! #

The final step is to just execute the following docker-compose.yaml by running the simple command “docker-compose up”. It is not needed from you to be familiarized with docker and docker-compose, but in case you want to learn more, you can always visit their website!

version: '3.8' # change it accordingly to your docker-compose version
    # if you chose to build it locally replace the it with: bench-pilot
    image: benchpilot/benchpilot:client 
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker
      - 8888:8888 # port needed for jupyter
    # define http(s)_proxy only if your devide is placed behind a proxy
      - http_proxy=${http_proxy}
      - https_proxy=${https_proxy}
    # jupyter environment variables
      - "JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes" 
      - "GRANT_SUDO=yes"
      - "CHOWN_HOME=yes"
    # Prometheus environment variables
      - PROMETHEUS_PREFIX=${your_datacenter_prefix}
    user: root
    # command to start jupyter
    command: ["jupyter", "notebook", "--ip=''", "--port=8888", "--no-browser", "--allow-root", "--NotebookApp.token=''", "--NotebookApp.password=''"]

After starting the BenchPilot client, you can access jupyter through your browser from this link: “http://your_device_ip:8888”, and start experimenting!

Learn how to define your experiments here.