
Fogify provides a python SDK with programming primitives for interacting with the Fogify Controller. The FogifySDK provides the ability to submit IoT service descriptions adopting the Fogify model specification, manipulate service execution by applying actions and submitting “what-if” scenarios, extract real-time monitoring data and assess running deployments. Furthermore, the FogifySDK has a set of built-in analytics functions applicable on monitoring data, as well as, plotting functionality for easing metric examination.


Users instantiate the FogifySDK, firstly, by importing the FogifySDK library and, secondly, by created a FogifySDK object. The FogifySDK constructor requires the url of Fogify Controller and the “fogified” docker-compose file.

from FogifySDK import FogifySDK
fogify = FogifySDK("http://controller:5000","docker-compose.yaml")

The FogifySDK object includes all required information for interconnection between the client and the Fogify framework. FogifySDK covers all possible functionality that Fogify API provides including control (deploy, undeploy), actions and scenario, and monitoring functions. The rest of page illustrates the latter functions and describes their documentation.

Control Functions

Control functions are responsible for provision of a “fogified” topology. Specifically, there are two functions, namely:

  • deploy function that provisions, bootstraps and deploys a “fogified” topology. The only parameter of deploy function is the timeout, which determines how many seconds a user will wait until consider that a deployment has an issue.

fogify.deploy(timeout) #  The default value of timeout is 5 minutes
  • undeploy function that destroys a topology and releases the occupied resources

Actions & Scenarios Functions

Fog deployments are usually neither statically provisioned nor stable. This instability highly impacts the execution of IoT services, especially in uncontrollable domains. As we described in previous sections of the documentation, Fogify addresses this challenge by providing runtime Actions and Scenarios. To provide a clear overview of actions and scenario functions, next we describe in details how a user can utilize FogifySDK to apply them on a running topology.


An Action is a process that changes properties of a running Fog Topology. Due to extensibility, we introduce a general action method in which users can utilize. As we described earlier, the method needs the action_type parameter, which currently could be one of the following: HORIZONTAL_SCALING, VERTICAL_SCALING, NETWORK, STRESS, COMMAND, and the action’s parameters. The parameters is a dictionary with all necessary variables of an action and the emulated instance label that the action will be apply to.

fogify.action(action_type, **parameters)

Since the action method is too generic, FogifySDK includes a specific method for each action in order to ease their definitions and gives specific parameters for each.

Horizontal Scaling

A horizontal scaling action can either increase or decrease the instances of a service (Fog Node). Thus, FogifySDK introduces two methods for that, namely:

  • horizontal_scaling_up which spans new instances of a specific instance_type (is the same as the model’s label). The number of instances is determined by num_of_instances and by default is 1.

    fogify.horizontal_scaling_up(instance_type, num_of_instances)

  • horizontal_scaling_down that destroys instances of a specific instance_type. Similarly, the number of instances is determined by num_of_instances and by default is 1.

    fogify.horizontal_scaling_down(instance_type, num_of_instances)

Vertical Scaling

A vertical scaling action can either increase or decrease the processing power of a service (Fog Node). Specifically, user can provide the following parameters:

  • instance_type that could be either an instance instance-id or label
  • cpu, which is a cpu percent of increase (+<percent>) or decrease (-<percent>), e.g. +20 or -20
  • memory defines the new memory limit
  • num_of_instances determines how many instances will be effected. The default is 1. If the instance_type is an instance-id, the number of instances will not effect the action at all.

fogify.vertical_scaling( instance_type, cpu, memory, num_of_instances):
The method not allow definition of both cpu and memory vertical scaling at once.


Network alterations are crucial in testing of fog deployments, so, FogifySDK provides a wide range of possible parameters that can be changed. At the description of Network QoS documentation, we illustrated all possible parameters that one can use in Fogify. Similarly, the same parameters can be applied at the update_network method. Specifically, the method requires the following parameters:

  • instance_type that could be either an instance instance-id or label
  • network, which is the name of the network that will be updated
  • network_characteristics are the network properties that will be updated from the action (same as Network QoS properties)
  • num_of_instances determines how many instances will be effected. The default is 1. If the instance_type is an instance-id, the number of instances will not effect the action at all.

fogify.update_network(instance_type, network, network_characteristics, num_of_instances)


A stress action provides the ability to simulate workload interference on a running Fog node. This is useful to evaluate the behaviour of a service during workload variation and/or interference from other services. The parameters of the function are the following:

  • instance_type that could be either an instance instance-id or label
  • duration specifies how many seconds the stress action will effect the node
  • num_of_instances determines how many instances will be effected. The default is 1. If the instance_type is an instance-id, the number of instances will not effect the action at all.
  • cpu specifies how many cpu intensive workload threads will be spawed in the emulated Fog node
  • io specifies how many io intensive workload threads will be spawed in the emulated Fog node
  • vm specifies how many memory intensive workload threads will be spawed in the emulated Fog node and the vm_bytes determines the size of the memory that will be occupied and free in every cycle of the test
    fogify.stress(instance_type, duration, num_of_instances, cpu, io, vm, vm_bytes)


With the command method, users are able to execute arbitrary commands directly to the emulated fog nodes. The latter gives the opportunity to extend the functionality of Fogify without extending its code-base. The parameters of the command method are:

  • instance_type that could be either an instance instance-id or label
  • command which the Fogify will execute on the emulated fog node
  • num_of_instances determines how many instances will be effected. The default is 1. If the instance_type is an instance-id, the number of instances will not effect the action at all.

fogify.command(instance_type, command, num_of_instances)

Scenario Execution

As we described in scenario section, scenarios are a sequence of timestamped actions described in a yaml representation. Users specify multiple scenarios on fogify model file (the extended docker-compose) with different names. In order to execute a scenario through FogifySDK, you can simple run the execute_scenario method with the only required parameter to be the scenario_name.


Monitoring & Analysis Functions

Fogify stores the metrics from the running emulated nodes in a distributed manner, on each host node. Users can then extract metrics to generate useful insights about QoS, cost, and predictive analytics. This is achieved through the FogifySDK, which retrieves local metrics to an in-memory data structure (pandas dataframe) providing exploratory analysis methods that produce plots and summary statistics. Next we have the basic methods that are implemented on FogifySDK to manipulate and user the stored monitoring data.

Retrieve Monitoring Metrics

FogifySDK achieves the monitoring data retrieval by requesting them from the Fogify controller. When the data is retrieved, the FogifySDK creates a pantas dataframe from them. Specifically, the method get_metrics_from retrieves all monitored metrics from a running emulated instance. The only parameter that the method needs is the instance_label.


Clear Monitoring Storage

Since users would like to “start” different experiments without re-deploy the whole topology, FogifySDK offers a method to clear the stored data. The method is the clean_metrics and does not require any other parameter.



Deploy a Network Distribution

As we described in previous section, users are able to deploy custom network delay distributions. Specifically, user captures a ping trace file and deployed to Fogify. The deploy_network_distribution requires two parameters, namely, the name of the distribution and the file of the distribution. When the file is deployed to the system, Fogify is able to utilize it on the network QoS properties.

fogify.deploy_network_distribution(name, file)